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Services we offer:

We install what we sell! If you purchase a product from us we can save you time and money by installing it for you, if you choose. We have technicians who are certified by the National Fireplace Institute (NFI) as well as factory certified by Travis Industries. Some insurance companies even require installations to be performed by certified technicians, so make sure to ask your insurance provider what they require.

Click the "DESIGN YOUR FIRE" button at the top of the page to get a quote on a new heating product, or use the form below to get in touch with us.


We service what we sell! If you have purchased a product from us and are experiencing trouble with it, fill out the form below to be added to our service list. When you fill out this form, a service ticket will be automatically created and added to our list of service calls. This is the best way to be added to our service list. If you would like for us to perform seasonal maintenance for you, you can also use this form to be added to our yearly service list.

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